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- #8 design & architecture, and news & politics
#8 design & architecture, and news & politics
exploring fascinating design stories and listening to intelligent debates...
99% Invisible
100% one of my favourite podcasts. This is quite an unusual podcast, typically design & architecture focused, that brings fascinating stories to life. Roman Mars is a brilliant host with one of the most easy-to-listen-to voices. I've also learned so much from this podcast (mainly random facts), mainly because the episodes are editted so well that you are always engaged. My favourite episodes are 'Walk This Way' (from 2014) and 'Miss Manhattan' (from 2016).
Intelligence Squared
This podcast is the world’s leading forum for debate and intelligent discussion. It has some excellent guests (e.g. Roula Khalaf, Editor of The FT) focusing on interesting, current topics. I'd recommend to search for episodes that really interest you - I've recently listened to 'The Futureverse' and 'The Mercenary River' episodes which were great! They release episodes three times a week so there's always new content.
The Modern House Podcast
If you haven't been on The Modern House website and scrolled through the epic homes, then you probably should (although be aware of house envy). The Modern House have released a podcast (now on Season 3) where they ask guests to pick their three favourite homes from anywhere in the world; anything from a Modernist masterpiece to a ramshackle hut in a field. My recommendation would be to make sure you are searching up each home so you can visualise it.
First of all, sorry for the short hiatus! Now we are back with plenty of podcasts to recommend every week. I appreciate all of you who reached out to me asking where the newsletter was last week!
Call for podcast recommendations!! Please send me your favourite podcasts here! 🙏 It would be great to include them in our next newsletter, and included forever in the podcast everything sheet. 😎
Thanks for reading the podcast movement this week! I hope you enjoyed all of the recommendations.
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