#7 health, soceity & culture, news

focus on the mind and body, scammers, and Enron

The Huberman Lab

The Huberman Lab podcasts focuses on health, wellbeing, the brain, and body. Dr. Andrew Huberman is a tenured Professor of Neurobiology and Ophthalmology at Stanford School of Medicine. Episodes look at topics such as 'How to Build, Maintain & Repair Health', 'The Science of Setting and Achieving Goals, and 'Using Deliberate Cold Exposure for Health and Performance'. Recommend it as a different podcast to the usual!


You never really know someone…especially online. In today’s world, the power of influence can be the quickest path to money and fame, and it often ends in ruin. These are the stories of the world’s most insidious Scamfluencers. And we are their prey. Hosts Scaachi and Sarah dive into epic stories of deception.

Bad Bets

Do you know the story of Enron? The energy giant that later became synonymous with epic corporate fraud. In Season 1, Bad Bets unravels big-business dramas that have had a big impact on our world - focusing on the Enron saga. I really enjoyed this podcast and the story is a must.

As always, you can find the podcasts that have been recommended in the podcast everything sheet. 😎 (filter for category to find a new favourite!)

Thanks for reading the podcast movement this week! I hope you enjoyed all of the recommendations.

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