#37 history, news, technology, and business

a cold war superstar, in the boardroom, and career development tips

Good morning ☀️I hope you had a great weekend... four podcasts below to kick off the week!!!

Red Elvis

Dean Reed - ever heard of him? Probably not, and even though he had a brief career, he became an international superstar during the height of the Cold War. The podcast is narrated by his daughter Ramona who decides to find out what really happen to her father following his mysterious murder. Great series, exciting and they mix the music in with the narration really well!

The News Meeting

In this podcast, three journalists pitch the story they think mattered most this week (released on a Friday). Such a meeting happens in newsrooms all over the world to try and decide what leads, what follows, and in what order. James Harding (Editor of Tortoise) brings us into the meeting room to hear the arguments first hand!

Land of the Giants (Tinder Changed the Game)

When Tinder launched in 2012, it changed dating culture and our expectations around dating forever by leveraging the iPhone and gamifying the dating experience. But did the rise of dating apps make finding romance easier or harder, and what are the consequences of playing a game that never ends?

Squiggly Careers (What's holding back your career development?)

Finally, as the start of the year is a time to reflect and set yourself up for the year - I wanted to recommend the podcast Squiggly Careers. It covers all things work, specifically how you can take control of your career development. Hosts, Sarah and Helen (from Amazing If) fill each episode with great ideas, tips, and tricks.

Thanks for reading (and hopefully thanks for listening!) ✌🏼 😁😁😁 please pleeeeease recommend any of your favourite podcast below and I'll send you stickers:

Podcast everything sheet below (to see them all!!!):

Thanks for reading the podcast movement this week! I hope you enjoyed all of the recommendations.

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