#32 health & fitness, true crime, and arts

the quarter life crisis, Japan's johatsu, and dua lipa interviews...

The Psychology of your 20s

Now, over 60% of subscribers to the podcast movement are in their 20s so I felt as though this was a suitable recommendation, and also a timely one as we approach the end of the year. Hosted by Jemma Sbeg, it explores key topics such as the quarter life crisis, seasonal depression, and why we compare ourselves to others. I've listened to most recent episode and it certainly was thought-provoking.

The Evaporated: Gone with the Gods

What if someone close to you just … vanished one day? That happens to tens of thousands of families a year in Japan, and it happened to Jake Adelstein, too, back in 2018 — when his accountant disappeared, just before tax day. With just two episodes released so far (third released today), this podcast is already proving to be excellent. I didn't know about the phenomenon of Japan’s johatsu, or “evaporated” people before listening but the hosts take up on the journey as they search for their missing accountant.

Dua Lipa: At Your Service

Following a successful first season, Dua Lipa is back for a second season. Celebrities starting podcasts has been mixed, some prove to be great and others have not lived up to the hype. This podcast is an interview series brimming with inspiring stories and tools, tips, and recommendations learned and shared by some of the world’s most exciting minds. Great guests (Season 2) include, Dan Levy and Greta Gerwig. Thanks Mili for the recommendation!

Congratulations Argentina !!! What an epic end to the World Cup. If you aren't finished with World Cup football after over a month then I'd recommend the Football Ramble podcast.

Thanks for reading (and hopefully thanks for listening!) ✌🏼 😁😁😁

As always, you can find the podcasts that have been recommended in the podcast everything sheet, and I'd recommend to filter for the category you're looking for 😎 It is updated every week so have a look.

Thanks for reading the podcast movement this week! I hope you enjoyed all of the recommendations.

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