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- #18 psychology, science, society & culture
#18 psychology, science, society & culture
happiness, the mind and movement, and the CIA wrote music?
Hidden Brain
A classic podcast (one of the best!) about the brain, psychology, and why we do what we do. The host (Shankar Vedantam) uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships. I listened to 'The Mind's Eye' episode this morning and it was great. Each episode is around 45 minutes and produced really well (favourite episode: the power and problem of grit).
The Happiness Lab
I've been listening to this podcast for years and it is one that I always go back to! The podcast is from a Yale Professor who studies the science of happiness. Each episode has a different expert / guest discussing a specific topic (e.g. anxiety, burnout, that 'meh' feeling). A great podcast for its relatability, lightheartedness, and intriguing guests! My favourite episodes include 'How to be Angry Better' and 'Burnout and How to Avoid It'.
Winds of Change
This podcast is a half spy / half music history lesson - and it makes for great listening. It focuses on a specific song released during the cold war period, and speculates that it was infact propaganda. Winds of Change discusses the U.S. government's history of exerting cultural influence overseas, especially through music, like in the 1950s and early 1960s - really interesting.
Thanks for reading (and hopefully thanks for listening!) Next week, it will be a 'morning briefing' focused newsletter, so if you have any go-to morning podcasts - recommend! ✌🏼
As always, you can find the podcasts that have been recommended in the podcast everything sheet, and I'd recommend to filter for the category you're looking for 😎
Thanks for reading the podcast movement this week! I hope you enjoyed all of the recommendations.
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