#17 comedy, design, and history

a wedding mystery, history's significant others, and a bonus!

Who shat on the floor at my wedding?  

Hilarious podcast that is actually quite old but is now recirculating. It is about a couple who want to get to the bottom of the mystery event that occurred at their wedding. They bring in one of their closest friends to be detective and the episodes include interview/interrogations with friends to try and find out who the culprit it. Lots of laughs and a really light-hearted listen. Recommend!

99% Invisible

A great podcast featuring stories about design, architecture, cities and more. Host Roman Mars explores the process and power of design and how it affects our daily lives (much more that what we noticed). I have two standout episodes which I'd recommend; 'Walk This Way' details how architecture navigates us (specifically in airports) and 'Miss Manhattan' about how one model became the template for female sculptures around the world. One of my favourite podcasts. 

Significant Others

An exciting, interesting history podcast that is a little bit different. Each episode tells the story of a talented, difficult and little-known individual who altered the destiny of their better-known partner, child, sibling, or friend, and impacted the world they left behind (think Gandhi's wife, or Tolstoy's wife). It is also narrated by famous voices such as Lisa Kudrow, Jameela Jamil, and Rita Wilson. 

PodQuiz (bonus recommendation) 

Enjoy quizzes and trivia? This is a weekly twenty question trivia quiz podcast (normally 15 min) which can be fun and a change to the typical podcasts! 

As always, you can find the podcasts that have been recommended in the podcast everything sheet. 😎

Thanks for reading the podcast movement this week! I hope you enjoyed all of the recommendations.

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